Sunday, November 30, 2008

26 Weeks... I think?

Well hello again! It's been so long since I've written an entry, I am having trouble remembering how to make all of this seem entertaining for you all. Hopefully the the concept alone of this miracle child developing inside my womb is enough to keep you all on board for this one. :) I am pretty sure that we are nearing 26 weeks now- which means baby Ratliff is very close to weighing 2 lbs. and measuring 14 inches in length. He is a very active little munchkin, which is becoming more and more evident as his infant limbs grow longer and stronger- the better to punch and kick with, right?! I love it, though. It's fun to watch people's faces when they can actually see a swift kick through my shirt from across the room. According to all the baby websites, this week is when I need to sign up for birthing classes for Ben and me. Let's all take a moment and picture Ben at a birthing class... touching isn't it? :) It will take some convincing, but I know he'll be come along because he is just a sweet husband like that. Speaking of my sweet husband, he has had quite a week! Aside from finding out that his beloved Longhorns will not be going to the National Championship (he could write an entire blog entry on why that is so ridiculous...), he also accomplished the task of MOVING US into our new house! That's right, the Ratliff's have officially moved on to our first family home, and we absolutely LOVE it! The timing of it was just a bit unfortunate because while I had the fun job of pointing and directing everyone (as I am 6 months pregnant and not allowed to lift anything), my poor husband, dad, and father in law had the grueling task of doing all of the lifting for the whole move. It was the most helpless I've felt during my entire pregnancy, and Ben and I agree on one thing: we will forever avoid making another move while I'm pregnant! :) But the great news is that I can finally begin NESTING in our new house and preparing the nursery for sweet baby boy!! This has definitely been a week full of thanksgiving for us- we hope you all had equally as blessed weeks. Happy December everybody!
PS: This picture is of my full body so that my dear friend Cameron can see my "pregnancy glow". Sorry for those of you who were hoping for a giant belly shot... :)


Anonymous said...

"ridiculous" is a bit of an understatement.

Anonymous said...

awwww...Hanna! You do have a pregnancy glow! What a cute pic! Looks like ya'll are doing great - post some house pics!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great Christmas! Please email me at home so we can set up a time for you to come meet Brandon. Plus, I have a couple of things for you, well, for your son.


Sarah and Eric said...

Hanna! I saw you have a blog on your facebook! It's the new fad I suppose. I have one even though I am not pregnant. I hope you are doing well. What grade are you teaching again? Take care!