Sunday, November 9, 2008

23 Weeks

Hey Friends! Hope everyone is doing well on this gorgeous Sunday evening. I am LOVING the weather lately, and I know Margy and Lily are too. They love hanging their heads out our living room window (since we've been able to leave them open lately) and spying on all the Glenco Park drama. Cuties. Anyway, I know you all did not visit our blog to get the latest Margy and Lily updates, so I'll cut right to the chase; Baby Ratliff is about 11 inches long now, but shockingly he is just now reaching 1 pound! Skinny little thing. I am now understanding why everyone tells me if I think I am growing fast now, wait until the last month... if he's only 1 pound now, he's got about 6 more to go and we are more than halfway through the pregnancy! Fun fact of the week: since he is beginning to get used to common sounds that he hears on a regular basis, I read that those sounds will not phase him after he is born. For example, he's been priveledged to hear our dogs bark more than enough, and he also has his share of vacuuming experience (thanks to his Mama!). So it's great to find out that when he's an infant he won't be absolutely terrified when I whip out the vacuum for a quick fix... which happens to throw Margy and Lily into a complete barking frenzy every time. Perfect. 

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