Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We're back...

Sorry once again for the delay... I wanted to start giving belly updates every other week for a while, but I just get so tickled when I get phone calls and emails "demanding" an update! So here you go... a big fat belly picture just to appease all you skinny minis out there. I bet you just like looking at them because it makes you feel better about your own belly! :)  Kidding. I am about 20 weeks now and feeling great. Whatever I said last week about not having a big appetite is absolutely NOT true anymore.... I am eating anything and everything this week! And I can tell the baby is going through a growth spirt because I am having "growing pains" more than ever in my abdomen. Baby boy is the length of a banana now, and throwing kicks and punches whenever he pleases. He's most active at night when I lay still and am trying to go to sleep... of course that's when he decides to come out and play. Speaking of sleep, I've had the hardest time adjusting to the new sleep positions I've had to take on. I've always slept on my tummy, but that is no long an option, as I feel like I am going to smoosh his face whenever I try! But laying on my back is no good either- apparently it causes pregnant women all kinds of back problems. That's been my challenge of the week- figuring out how to go to sleep on my side with a baby performing what feels like an acrobatic routine in my abdomen. Trust me- it's harder than it sounds! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel ya girl! The sleeping is so hard, and the bigger he gets the more he moves. Nighttime is Brandon's favorite activity time as well. The best advice I can offer is to put a king size pillow on both sides of you, and one at your feet so that you can squeeze it between your feet. This helps with the rolling. 2 pillows under the head also seems to help a bit.
Luv ya,