Friday, April 24, 2009

Baby Milestones

This was a big week for Mr. Hudson and for Mama. I was getting him ready for bed and decided to dress him in one of our favorite newborn sleepers that we fondly refer to as "Little Dragon". (See pictures of this one in the previous post.) I snapped him up and he immediately began to cry a strange cry. You mothers will know what I mean when I say that it's one of those crys that actually has you guessing what your baby is trying to communicate to you; not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'd say I've gotten pretty close to mastering the art of recognizing which cry means what from Hudson. So anyway, he starts crying in an unfamiliar way and I am puzzled. It took me a few minutes to come to the sad realization... he had finally outgrown "Little Dragon". I'll be honest- I shed a tear right there on the changing table when it dawned on me that this was the case. It's fine. Sweet moment. :) Ben and I both loved this sleeper so much on him, we agreed that it is a keeper and will be saved special for our next bundle of joy- boy or girl! Poor baby girl. She'll make it work. Another small milestone: we had to move the sleeper pads out wider (the ones that velcro to the sleeping pad so that he stays laying on his back at night) because he suddenly seemed a bit too snug in there! My baby is GROWING and I am somehow surprised each time I discover the proof. Will I ever be prepared for my baby growing up?? 
That being said, please notice the ADORABLE monkey sleeper Gigi, my mom, got for him! How precious does he look in his new big boy 3-6 mo. PJs?! Our new fav for sure. And to explain the sweet sun hat pictures, Ben and I planted a vegetable garden in our backyard this week and Hudson was our little helper. I predicted we'd set him in the shade and he'd go right to sleep in his favorite bouncy seat (aka: our        L I F E S A V E R!), but he actually stayed alert and vocal the entire planting experience! We learned some great information that day: Hudson loves being outside. He was kicking and movin' and cooing the whole time, and I couldn't resist taking these pictures. And clearly, Margy couldn't resist being a part of the photo shoot. Typical. Speaking of Margy, check out what her little after dinner treat was this week! Don't go calling SPCA yet- Ben and I had just finished the carton and gave it to the girls to polish off. Nothing goes to waste in our house! 


Lindsey said...

I love the new jammies!! Hudson is getting cuter and cuter! I can't believe how fast he's changing. Keep the pics coming!

Adam & Kate said...

Hanna I didn't know you have a blog! Your son is so dang precious!! I am so happy for you guys, and I'm so happy to know about your blog. Keep the pictures coming!