I can't believe Hudson is almost a month old... three weeks and two days to be exact. (I could give you the number of hours if you'd like.) He is growing like a weed, and I can only hope that my arm muscles are toning up as fast as he is piling on the pounds for the amount of time I hold him these days! Now that his belly button and "other areas" are healed up, we were finally able to give him his first real bath. I must confess- I did not expect this to go over well with Hudson. I figured he has been such an angelic baby thus far, he is surely going to hate being stripped down and splashed with luke warm water. Surely he will cry. I imagined the whole event being something similar to when I gave Margy or Lily their first baths... complete disasters! But let me tell you friends, we truly do have a keeper on our hands because he actually LIKED his bath! I will post you the pictures to prove it! And he smelled soooo sweet afterwards, I just wanted to cuddle with him in his little bunny rabbit hoody towel forever. What a great kid- or rather- what a blessing. I took my first walk with just Hudson and I this week during my favorite time of day, and it was pure heaven. It feels good to get outdoors and breath the fresh air sometimes; Hudson had been a bit fussy that day, but as soon as we got movin' and shakin' outside, he was good to go. With his hearty appetite and looooong sleepy naps, there's not much to complain about here at the Ratliff residence! Life is sweet.
He is such a cutie!!! It may take until school is out, but I can't wait to get down there and hold him!!! What a blessing! Jennifer Fleischer
He is such a cutie!!! It may take until school is out, but I can't wait to get down there and hold him!!! What a blessing! Jennifer Fleischer
OMG Hanna he is sooo cute!!!!! Seriously what a doll!
Lisa Hatcher
Hudson has such an adorable "boy" look to him. He is already changing! Marsha Ramee
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