Saturday, September 13, 2008

15.5 Weeks

Well, here he/she is in all his/her glory! Inside that belly is the apple sized (not shaped- Ben had to clarify for me yesterday...) baby of ours! For some reason this picture does not really represent how big my belly FEELS at times during the past few weeks. I think water retention has a lot to do with how much I am "showing" each day. Anyway, not a lot of details yet... I am still waiting to feel that first kick or punch. The past few days I've felt GREAT- the school days fly by and I am at home resting on the couch by 4:30, which is nice. I would love to start planning a sweet little nursery but our living situation is still a big question mark. We should know more on that by November... stay tuned! 


k-love said...

LOVE it!!!! Love the updates, love the fact that you're prego. Love it! P&K Louis

Anonymous said...

You still have a tiny belly! Good girl. It will be here before you know it. Just keep your feet up as much as possible to avoid ankle swelling. That first movement should come around 16 weeks. It just feels like gas. That first big kick (or big to you) will happen at about 20 weeks. Then they just get bigger and bigger!! Keep the updates coming!
Love, Shauna